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The Burleson County Republican Party is thrilled that Steve Munisteri and Peggy Venable will be the featured speakers at our Fall Festival. The date is Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024, Time 6 PM, location is Caldwell City Civic Center. 103 TX-21, Caldwell, TX 77836.  Join us as we rallying the community to get out to vote and discuss the importance of rural community involvement. Both Steve Munisteri and Peggy Venable have backgrounds working in the White House, political campaigns, and State offices are fascinating political stories. Both will speak letting us know where the party stands in Texas and how we can motivate others to participate in the system.
Dinner tickets are $25 single, $40 for a couple and tables are available for those wishing to help support the party get out the vote. More information will be posted in the discussion area soon.